
Cambodian children are calling it the game of the year. “5 stars!” “So much fun” “I wanted to keep playing!”

By Alison Darcy, CUFA Project Officer

It’s unexpected, but budgets and savings goals are at the top of every Cambodian students wish-list this school year with the newly released Enterprise and Savings game topping the bestseller list for the fourth week running.

“Enterprise and Savings” directed by Cambodian Challenger Barry Cooper under the watchful eye of co-producers and fellow Challengers Mel, Jacqui, Julie and Vicki, is a gripping masterpiece. The must-play trading game takes children on a journey through time, each of the rounds exploring short and long term savings goals.

As part of his Leadership Challenge activities Barry developed an innovative and exciting game that was so successful it will now be incorporated into the CUFA Children’s Financial Literacy program.

Barry explains, “It’s a trading game, students trade pigs and chickens (the staple Cambodian livestock) to build a stock of savings that can be spent on instant gratification (lollies, soccer balls or pretty dresses) or long term benefits like a vendor licence, a motorbike – or a high school diploma”.

With twists and turns, it’s anyone’s game but those with the best savings habits are the real winners at the end of the day.

“At first I wanted to buy some more candy, but then I realised if I bought more chickens, they’d get bigger and I could sell them and make more money, and could save for a university diploma” says Kim Ai aged 10. “I give it 5 stars! But I wanted to play more rounds!”

This fast-paced and enjoyable game is one for all the ages. But be warned, it’s not one for the faint-hearted, if the games’ launch is anything to go by, it quickly develops from shyness into a riot of laughter and deal-making.

Enterprise and Savings, learn more at: Children’s Financial Literacy


Challengers visit CUFA Children’s Financial Literacy Program, a program delivering financial education to 12,000 children in more than 40 schools across Cambodia, funded on an annual basis by the fundraising efforts of the CUFA Leadership Challengers.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the challenges CUFA runs for corporate teams and individuals please call CUFA on 1300 490 467. To donate towards the Children’s Financial Literacy Program please visit

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