
MEDIA RELEASE – Cufa Makes Extensive Social Return on Investment, Report Finds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 30th August 2018                                                       


Cufa announced today the release of their Social Return on Investment (SROI) report, quantifying how much social value is created as a ratio of investment into the programs.

For every $1 invested into Cufa’s programs, $12.33 of social value is created. Overall, $30.4 million of value was created in the form of education, employment, enterprises and economic institutions. The number has more than tripled since the last report in 2014, as a result of the expansion in the scope and scale of Cufa’s development programs.

The report provides a review of all of Cufa’s programs while measuring the sustainable development Cufa provides within communities. It is Cufa’s aim to not supply financial handouts, but instil long-term economic development that alleviates poverty for current and future generations.

Some of the outstanding results included:

  • Created over $13.5 million of social value in the Bougainville Youth Initiative
  • Returned $28 of social value for every $1 invested in the Village Entrepreneur program
  • Increased total community savings in Timor-Leste credit unions to $266,456
  • Provided financial access in rural Cambodia with 21 credit unions formed
  • Encouraged female empowerment with multiple women’s focused self-help groups in Myanmar

Cufa’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Peter Mason commented, “Social return on investment reporting provides an opportunity to measure social and environmental value not currently reflected in conventional financial reports. Cufa has conducted the SROI report to measure the success of our programs across the Asia-Pacific. The results of the report affirm Cufa’s commitment to implementing sustainable development throughout disadvantaged communities.”



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For all media enquiries, interview and image requests, please contact:

Carolina Flores

Marketing and Communications Manager
1300 490 467

[email protected]


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