
Wes Anderson–2014 recipient of the Kevin Yates award

By Stephanie Brown, Marketing and Communication Manager CUFA

CUFA are pleased to announce Mr. Wes Anderson, former General Manager of Family First Credit Union as the recipient of the 2014 Kevin Yates Award.

The Kevin Yates award has been kindly shared with CUFA by the Australian Credit Union Archives with the aim of continuing the spirit of volunteerism, which has been integral in the development of the Australian Mutual sector, with developing movements oversees.

Wes Anderson was nominated by his former credit union, Family First Credit Union as the recipient for the Kevin Yates Award in 2014 based on his years of volunteering for CUFA and spreading the credit union philosophy throughout the world.

During his years of volunteering, Wes was instrumental in assisting the development of the Russian Credit Union movement in 1993 and 1994 as a part of the “Russian Club” (a club set up by a number of Australians to assist the Russian credit union movement to re-establish itself after the fall of communism through both funding and technical assistance).

Two decades on, the Russian Credit Union movement is celebrating their 20th Anniversary in Sochi, Russia in mid-April 2014. Given Wes’ role in the development of the Russian Credit Union movement in 1993 and 1994 he has been personally invited by the Russian Credit Union League to participate in the celebrations and reconnect with the colleagues he worked with 20 years ago.

The Kevin Yates Award offers financial assistance to the sum of $3,500 to assist a volunteer wanting to expand and promote the work of Mutuals across the world. As the recipient of the Kevin Yates Award, the funds will go to transporting Wes to the event held between the 16 – 18 April 2014 and will provide him with the ability to see this project through to a successful conclusion demonstrated by a vibrant healthy credit union movement in what was, 20 years ago, a very disadvantaged and impoverished part of the world.

Kevin Yates promoted Credit Union principles and assisted others to bring banking alternatives to communities who otherwise would not have access to savings and loans. Based on Kevin Yates’ commitment to the Credit Union philosophy, the Kevin Yates Award was established to recognise those that voluntarily gave and/or continue to give their time and energy to promote the principles of the sector.

To be eligible for the Kevin Yates Award, an application had to be submitted demonstrating the applicant’s commitment to the mutual sector’s principles and philosophies in the past and the ability to demonstrate how their participation with CUFA will benefit the nominated developing community. The application for Wes Anderson was put forward by his former credit union, Family First Credit Union and was endorsed by its current General Manager, Dale Grounds.

“Family First Credit Union strongly endorses the nomination of Mr. Wes Anderson for the Kevin Yates Award. By attending the 20th Anniversary of the Russian Credit Union movement he will receive the recognition that he personally, and more broadly the Australian Credit Union movement, deserve.”

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