CUFA is an organisation dedicated to combating poverty through financial inclusion projects. Each year, our work reaches more than four million people. We receive support from a number of stakeholders, but the most important contribution comes from the people based in Australia – like you – who contribute with financial support towards CUFA, its work and the fight against poverty.
We love all our supporters and donors. Thank you to everyone who invests in CUFA’s work. So, why should you support CUFA?
Firstly, as an individual or corporate organisation, we realize you possibly lack the time, energy, and technical know-how of helping the poor financially or through literacy. For example, you might not know who among the locals really deserve to get your funding or what are the local poverty issues in countries like Fiji or Papua New Guinea or how you can contribute to teaching children of smaller villages in Cambodia all about technology or financial literacy– it is simply more encouraging and reassuring for you when you can hand over your hard earned donation to an organisation or NGO you can trust. Your donation will be one among tens of thousands, powering the NGO’s daily mission to help fight world issues like these. We would love to share with you other reasons apart from these, why you can trust and donate to CUFA, please go ahead and read them.
5 reasons why you should support CUFA.
1. We combat poverty by giving people a hand-up, not a handout. We help people create sustainable livelihoods through economic, enterprise, employment and education programs.
2. For every $1 invested in CUFA’s work, $8.07 is generated in social return. This means that our donors’ investments are impactful and making a difference in the lives of individuals and their communities.
3. We are an aid agency accredited with the Australian Government’s Australian Aid program and we comply with the ACFID code of conduct. This means that our work is properly evaluated and the results transparent. You know where your donation goes.
4. We take a human rights-based approach to development work. This means that local communities are consulted and our projects address their needs. CUFA’s overseas offices are headed by local people and the field work is undertaken by local project staff.
5. We have been combating poverty since 1971. For more than 45 years, CUFA and its staff have dedicated themselves to this work. We now have the experience, expertise and relationships to create outcomes.
Read more: Your small contribution can play a vital role in improving communities in so many villages. You can either Invest in a Village Entrepreneur like San Myint now or help aid teachers and students and promote literacy through any of our Financial Literacy Programs.