
MAD Day 2016 is coming soon!

Host a party and help combat poverty – DOUBLE WIN!




“Did you know that last September, the United Nations General Assembly identified ending extreme poverty as the number 1 priority and Global Goal for 2030?”

This Anti-Poverty Week, 16 – 21 October, you’re invited to take action with us. Feel good doing good, by joining us for MAD Day 2016.

Round up your work mates for a game and a laugh, send your manager to ‘prison’ for a day, or simply host a good old, gold-coin-donation office morning tea – the sky’s the limit for your MAD Day event, and you can get inspired with this list of tried, tested and FUN, fundraising ideas to get your party started.


MAD is shorthand for ‘Make A Difference’ – and to do that, we need YOU!

At CUFA, we strive to deliver effective and meaningful programs to help alleviate this global issue in a direct and lasting way across our home region, and there has never been a better time for you get involved and initiate some fun with your team-mates, social group or family and friends.

Together we can make a bigger, better and brighter impact, so what are you waiting for?! REGISTER NOW!

Any funds raised for MAD Day will go directly into CUFA’s International Projects Fund, and towards our Children’s Financial Literacy program in Cambodia, and towards our Children’s Financial Literacy Program in Cambodia, where we’re working to combat the cycle of poverty head-on. Find out more about the scope of our work HERE.

You can also become a MAD Day Champion by sharing your enthusiasm and efforts online @cufaltd and by using the  following tags :

#MADDay  #CUFAempowers  #MakeADifference #APW2016  #AntiPoverty #GlobalGoals

If you’re unable to join in the fun, this time, don’t worry, you can subscribe to our monthly Newsletter HERE  to know more about other activities & events you can be a part of in the future or you can also MAKE A ONE-OFF DONATION NOW in support of our work to end poverty for good.






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