Each year, CUFA reaches more than 4,000,000 people, directly and indirectly, through our projects across 14 countries. Our aim is to help each of these people lift themselves out of poverty through the establishment of grassroots financial institutions, through education programs, through enterprise initiatives and by facilitating employment opportunities. We help people participate in their communities and economies.
CUFA staff work hard each day to ensure that the resources entrusted to us by all our precious supporters are used as efficiently and effectively as possible. Our goal is to achieve maximum impact in each of the communities we work.

82.9 %
International programs
These funds go to support and carry out programs that benefit ultra-poor communities across the Asia-Pacific.
5.6 %
Program support costs
Program support includes evaluations, measurement and field support. These costs ensure that CUFA’s work is accountable, impactful and effective.
7.4 %
Fundraising costs
Fundraising is important in generating donations of cash and in-kind support. Public fundraising includes the cost for gaining long-term supporters so that our work can continue.
4.1 %
Administration costs
This is essential to the day-to-day running of our work and includes operating our finance, administration and management teams.
Why your help is so important
Our work is made possible mainly by the support of generous Australians just like you. We rely on people like you to donate to our programs and appeals so we can provide vital short and long-term help to people across the Asia-Pacific.

60% of our funds come from the Australian Government
As an accredited international development agency in the Australian NGO Cooperation Program, CUFA receives funding from DFAT.
Importantly, every dollar you as a member of the public or the Australian business sector donates can contribute to increasing CUFA’s funding from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program.
16% of our funds come from the Australian customer-owned banking sector
CUFA maintains strong ties to credit unions and mutual banks in Australia, many of which continue to support CUFA through annual donations, workplace giving, participation in MAD Day and Leadership Challenges, and other initiatives. Thank you to all our loyal supporters in the sector! We couldn’t do it without you.
7% of our funds come from events
These include Leadership Challenges and volunteering trips for students and professionals, as well as conferences. Challenges are life-changing for participants, but also raise money to support CUFA programs like Children’s Financial Literacy.
6% of our funds come from members of the public like you
Donations from the public are increasingly important to CUFA. Through programs like the Village Entrepreneur, emergency appeals and direct donations, CUFA maintains strong relationships with individual donors who care about financial inclusion and finding solutions to poverty in our region.
We welcome new donors to CUFA. If you would like to find out more, visit our website or call us on 1300 490 467.
3% of our funds come from other corporate partners
CUFA has recently established corporate partnerships with CPA Australia, KPMG and other businesses, which have brought to fruition a range of impactful and important initiatives.
If you would like to discuss a corporate partnership with CUFA, visit our website or call Volodymyr Vasylenkov on 1300 490 467.
The remainder of CUFA’s funds come from important partnerships
The remainder of our funding comes from a variety of sources. CUFA partners with the Asian Development Bank, Action on Poverty and other international organisations to run projects that address poverty and financial exclusion in places like Myanmar and Cambodia.
If you want to make a difference to the world, click here to donate to CUFA
Also read : 5 Reasons you should support CUFA